segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2016

The Little Succubus and How Else wanted to Burn the second book of "Larousse" Encyclopedia

Good Morning readers.

Today I dreamt that I wanted to burn the second book of "Larousse" Encyclopedia... and from that moment I cannot stop thinking about:

"Why?, Why did i dream that?"

And just 5 minutes ago I started to realize... I'm living a year of "learning", "real learning", not following the 8 Key Competences but in a personal way really learning, I'm asking myself things that I asked before but giving them different answers, recalling my mentally status and making again the biggest questions like: What am I doing here? Do this life has a purpose? Who are you and who am I to you? I am listening anf feeling open to critics and different opinions. So I think, it makes a lot of sense that I wanted to burn the "Larousse Encyclopedia", because I have to burn my own knowledge in order to add new one, and mix it with the ashes of mine... but then I thought:

Why not the first one? Like, starting from the begging with the burning? why to leave a bit when you can burn it all and and make a new knowledge concept? BECAUSE  YOU CANNOT FORGET WHO YOU ARE!! It is important to remember which are our roots, from where our experience comes from, you cannot just forget what you were and pick the new ideas as if they were yours.. The point of all this is to mix everything in one as if it was a human Tutty Frutty.
Sometimes I feel selfish (Shellfish also) thinking that I'm taking the best from every person that I know for addding it to myself and making a better version of "Me", It feels like stealing when you realize you are taking the spirituallity and capacity of expresing feelings from Tania, the matematical and strategical way of being of Perica, the political concernings of Guillem, the positivism of Merche, the power of Tena, the smiles and loving stability of Iva, the crazyness of Leila, the sentences of Dusko, the will of making from Bieito, the love of Guil and the selfsteem from Marco... It is incredible how now that phrase that I red once has so much sense

"We are just little pieces glued in the best way. Like "David" from Miguel Ángel. Just little brushstrokes in a good order, Like Mona Lisa"

We are a mix between everybody that we know and those who we would like to meet. So I felt guilty somehow thinking that I stealing parts of people and adding it to my "Else's Perfect Salad" but it is not like this as you think that you are also giving your parts to the rest of the people so they can be better with your personal sauce. Have this in mind: don't take but also give, exchange your special powers. 
So, my final thinking is:

"Be a Succubus and a Incubus at the same time"

Would this be the begging of a new philosophical current? I will think about it in my new Final Project in Life.

(Road from Rijeka to Pula: Pretty like an sparguetti) 

Think about it like I did while I was feeling how Boze was passing through the clouds and touching directly Croatia and left me the opportunity to see the miracle.

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