quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2016

A 500 milhas

Before yesterday Facebook was telling all of us to do something special because “the february 29th just comes every 4 years”.
Too much pressure, no?
I like to think that everyday is a special day where I do special things. Although, when I think about something pretty to write, before yesterday doesn’t come into my mind.
But, nevertheless, before yesterday was a special day for the world, and even more for Andreja’s – my mentor – world: she gave birth to Eva, the little ball of love, that she carried inside for 9 months!
If we think (sometimes harder than others) there is always at least one pretty thing to contemplate per day! 
Taking the breakfast is a pretty thing, don’t you think? I love the breakfast! And I really, really love when I wake up in a place and fall asleep in another… Like two weeks ago, when I went to Bled to pass the weekend.

How it’s can be pretty this Bled?

Bled is a small place in Slovenia, with a pretty and peaceful lake. Bled is romantic, and it was made by God for you to enjoy every single step you do there.

Last weekend my dear friend Pero did an exhibition in Cajger CAFFE BAR. It was a good opportunity to show to Zagreb people his talent and how you can love through the things you draw and paint.
The concept of this exhibition is the importance the society gives to the artists that have a degree in art over the ones that naturally seek and improve their inner talent.
Last friday I accompanied Pero and Sanda to a lecture by Yoshigasaki, an Aikido master who was here for an Aikido seminar in Zagreb, and – as Pero said “he introduced very well [my] exihibition” by explaining that, in one hand we have the university that gives people the knowledge and that in the other hand we have art that is the ability that one has by itself.
Interesting, no?

Hereupon, the second can survive very good without the first (in his way of understanding the world, of course… that, in fact, is my way of seeing it too!). 

I was thinking about my homeland, the Açores, so I will leave you with a pretty song. 


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