sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2015


And, indeed, it snowed! It snowed on the 21 of november!

After our first experience in Batizado and Troca de Corda of Capoeira Amazonas, after we finally met Mestre Pontapé, new capoeiristas from Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Rijeka, and after we met the little boys and little girls that express their young and pure emotions through capoeira, the sky offered us lots of white conffeti: - “Else and Tânia” – we could hear him (the sky) speaking to us – “you did a good job, here, in Zaprešić, and for that you will have conffeti and a white carpet waiting for you!”.
I was super happy with the snow (neve, in portuguese)! For me is a rare and precious gift sent from the sky.

The day after – on sunday – we went to the Batizado and Troca de Corda in Pešćenica, and again, we met a group of new boys and girls looking forward to have the agile movements of Macaquinha (Tena) and the fluid movements of Cavalo (Nikola).
The first time I saw the kids playing in the Roda I was feeling so proud! Our association, our Capoeira Amazonas association, built all of this, it spread, in reality, all this communion, respect and love that I could see there, in front of me. I was a fullfilled EVSer in this two days.

 Yesterday it was the moment to start the English Playground in Pešćenica and we have to avoid, we had a bit of a hardest task this time (at least, comparing with the group of Zaprešić that Else told you about, on the last post)!
Some of the kids are in preadolescence, and, has we all know, this is not the most confortable place to be! Neither for them and neither for those who want to, as us, speak about Portugal and Spain… in english.
Anyway, we will, sto posto, conquer their hearts on the next sessions. “With time, with time, Else and Tânia!” – replied the sky, to our longer-than-the-usual look to him.

Look, they did pretty draws about Portugal and Spain: toureiras, beachs, olive oil, and a bull!

The cold imposed its presence, and we are, finaly, using our gloves. We accepted its presence peacefully…

Tranquila (peacefull) would be the adjective to describe our week! 

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2015

Entering in the Comfort Zone Like Spiders

In the weekend of our 7th Week, the "radio guys/girls" saiy that is gonna snow. Actually Tania is waiting for it, as a good Azorian I guess she doesn't see the snow so often, so maybe that's why she waits for it (as we say in Spain) like water of May ("Como agua de Mayo"). Talking about Tania... we don't sleep in the same room anymore.

We said "Doviđenja" to the other flat. At the end it was so fast that we didn't even had time to make some video projects inside other video projects that we wanted to make...

 I know we can seem happy but we were not that that much! I'M KIDDING! We were really happy, we needed but now whatching it from our new "Vintage Mansion", it's OK to say that it was good experience to be sooooo together in that moment. So, with our strenght level ON, now we feel charged to continue with our dutties.

On one hand, the Portuguese and Spanish lessons are going FUNTASTIC, as you can see here:


Even if we said"Doviđenja" to some parts of our lives in Zagreb, we are saying "Dobro Jutro" and "Dobrodošli" to other little projects inside biger projects that are going to be part of our learning experience here, like the "PLAYGROUND FOR KIDS", a group of workshop in two different schools of "Croatia" about english and "spanish/portuguese" culture. We were a little scared about it.... Okeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, maybe only I was scared about it but everything went just PERFECT and we could get out of there safe and alive "Sanas y Salvas", as we would say in my country.
Maybe we didn't find jet what we want to do in our lives forever but....while looking for it, we are having fun and being happy. And that's what matters in life!